Many schools and colleges mistakenly understand that an exam management system is useful only if exams are conducted online. This is far from true. There are a wide range of processes that go into every academic examination for an institution. This includes question papers, setting timetables, integrating it with timetables of different programs to avoid clashes, managing seating arrangements, setting up invigilation duties, publishing results and issuing reports. An automated exam management system can take over these tedious as well as critical tasks and reduce man hours involved as when it is done manually.
Many educational institutions in India are either seriously evaluating an examination management system or are already in the process of automating their examination procedure. The reasons why are not hard to find.
1. A Pre-examination Module
The benefits of an online examination system begin with streamlining the processes that start before every examination. An automated system scores high on speed, precision and simplicity. While examinations are a common process in every educational institution, each institution might require a certain amount of customization in any exam software they choose. This is why it is always best to go with a well credited exam management system.
A robust exam software must have the ability to deal with large amount of data and to handle any number of courses, subjects and different kind of examinations. And finally, it should be able to seamlessly integrate with existing college management systems so that information can be easily passed between the two with high levels of security.
The main features of the pre-examination module include:
- An online examination form filling
- Retrieval of grades/marksheets of students
- Verification and acceptance of student exam application
- Roll number and hall ticket generation
- Exam Time Table creation
- Computerized exam seating arrangement and publishing lists. This is based on feeding in rooms and seating capacity and different course grouping.
- Reports for course wise, institution wise (multi-group institutions) and subject wise student data appearing for the examinations
2. Examination Module
The EMS software allows both schools and colleges to automate their examination procedure. Autonomous higher education institutions can even define their examination patterns such as internal tests, terminal and final examinations and set their weightage for the final result. This completely eliminates any human error since the whole process gets computerized. Multiple flexible exam patterns can be predefined and any exam question paper needs to choose from this predefined list for an automatic weightage to be applied.
One of the biggest benefits of an online examination system is the strong security that a paper-based exam cannot match. If an institution opts to use an online route for their exams then questions can be uploaded into the system and the system can shuffle and set questions either in different order or as different sets of question papers for the same exam. An online examination system thus ensures that there is no possibility for malpractices.
3. Post Examination Module
An exam management system should be able to connect with the institution’s website portal to publish exam schedules as well as results. The results module can be protected by a login-based access. It can also integrate directly into each student account to provide a combined overview of all their individual information.
The following features are usually available:
- Internal marks reports subject-wise as well as consolidated
- Absentee report
- Dispatch of coded answer books for university examinations can be provided
- Answer book valuations and marks filled into control sheet
- Result preparations (Grades, SGPA & CGPA calculation)
- Re-checking and re-evaluation forms
- Storage of data with scheduled back-ups
Putting an examination management system in place will also require old records to be digitally uploaded. This is usually done in PDF image format as well as data entry of student key information such as student name, roll number, course, year and results. With all information digitized, all it needs is a few clicks to quickly retrieve any information using key fields such as enrolment no, batch, year etc.
iTech India has been providing customized software solutions since 2003. We specialize in Education ERP with a product portfolio built on best practices. We have distinct product offerings for different segments from schools, colleges and coaching institutes. With a large team of technically qualified professionals and mentored by educational experts and technology architects, we are recognized for our cutting-edge ERP solutions. Speak to us today to know more about how Eduleap, our online examination management system can fit your needs.