Schools can be very complex ecosystems. There are thousands of students, dozens of teachers, multiple classes and limited classrooms, each of which needs to function in cohesion. The various types of school time table are the most important part of this system, tying in each of these elements and allowing them to work seamlessly. This one schedule decides the subjects each student is going to learn every day, allows teachers to plan their lessons ahead and ensures that a classroom is always available. Even a small error in the timetable can make this intricate system to breakdown and cause inconveniences to teachers and students alike. This is why a smart and dynamic time table management system is crucial for every school.
Type of school time table
There are broadly three types of school time table, each of which serves a specific function.
1. Master time table
The master time table shows the schedules of every teacher and class in a school at a single glance. The principal of the school typically maintains this time table. In case a class needs to be switched around or re-allocated because of a teacher’s unavailability, the principal will refer to the master time table to organize it.
2. Teacher-specific time table
If a teacher teaches multiple subjects or grades, they will have a teacher-specific time table. This time table shows them the exact class they have to teach in various time slots. A teacher-specific time table is an invaluable tool to help teachers plan ahead.
3. Classroom-specific time table
This time table is distributed to students and includes the lessons they will have on each day of the week. This helps them understand what books they need to bring on each day and gives them a stable sense of routine.
Importance of time table management with an ERP
Schools are slowly moving away from the static section-wise model, where a single grade would be grouped into a set number of ‘sections’. Today, there is a greater variety of elective courses and classes that students can take, thus creating multiple subsets of students. Clearly in this scenario, traditional methods of time table management might prove to be inefficient. Here’s why an ERP powered by school time table teacher-wise and class-wise software can be useful for schools.
1. Quicker modifications
An ERP allows you to update the time table (at any of the three levels) almost instantly. Once the change has been made on the platform, students and teachers will receive the updated schedule immediately. This eliminates any confusion that might arise from a simple change in schedule.
2. Zero margin for errors
Whenever there is human involvement, there is always a possibility of errors. For instance, incorrect values could be entered or information could be entered in the wrong slot. In the case of a time table, even one small mistake in a schedule can have a domino effect on the functioning of the school as a whole. Making time table changes through an automated platform eliminates that possibility completely.
3. Tighter security
School time table class-wise and teacher-wise software is extremely secure and is protected by tight security measures. This reduces the chance of data leaks and misuse of information. This can be a huge reassurance for a school’s faculty and parents of students alike.
4. No paper required
Paper-driven processes can be cumbersome and open to errors. It can be difficult for a principal to sift through multiple class schedules over various time periods to access the file they are looking for. When using an ERP, a user can navigate directly to the schedule they need within a matter of seconds. This improves the efficiency of a school’s administrative operations.
5. More time saved
Every teacher and principal’s ultimate aim is to improve the quality of their students’ education. Using traditional time table management systems can take up a lot of valuable time as they require a lot more planning and work. Using an ERP for time table management, a school’s faculty will have to spend a fraction of the time they previously had to. This means they have a lot more time to organize school activities and plan for their classes.
6. Greater transparency
When a time table is run on an ERP, parents of students generally have access to the time table. They will also receive an instant notification if there is any change in the schedule or the allocated teachers. This ensures that parents are kept informed of their child’s schedule and will have a better understanding of what their child is learning in school.
School time table class-wise and teacher-wise software can free up more time and resources for a school’s faculty. A smart and dynamic time table management system will ultimately help improve the efficiency of a school’s processes and the quality of education they are empowered to impart to students.
iTech India has been providing customized software solutions since 2003. We specialize in Education ERP with a product portfolio built on best practices. We have distinct product offerings for different segments from schools, colleges and coaching institutes. With a large team of technically qualified professionals and mentored by educational experts and technology architects, we are recognized for our cutting-edge ERP solutions. Speak to us today to know more about how our solutions can fit your needs.